On June 7, 2011, Governor Haslam signed into law the Tennessee Lawful Employment Act (“Act”). This Act requires all employers in the state, both public and private, to provide evidence that they are only hiring and employing persons who are legally in the country. Employers can satisfy the requirements of the Act by performing one of the following:
- Enrolling in the E-Verify program and verifying the employment eligibility of all newly hired employees through E-Verify; or
- Request from all newly hired employees a copy of one of the following documents:
- A valid Tennessee’s driver’s license or photo identification;
- A valid driver’s license or photo identification from another state whose license requirements are at least as strict as those in Tennessee;
- A birth certificate issued by a U.S. state, jurisdiction, or territory;
- A U.S. government-issued birth certificate;
- A valid, unexpired U.S. passport;
- A U.S. certificate of birth abroad;
- A report of birth abroad of a citizen of the U.S.;
- A certificate of citizenship;
- A certificate of naturalization;
- A U.S. citizen identification card; or
- Any valid immigrant registration documentation, recognized by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, that verifies the employee’s legal immigration status.
- January 1, 2012—governmental entities and private employers with 500 or more employees;
- July 1, 2012—private employers with 200 to 499 employees;
- January 1, 2013—private employers with 6 to 199 employees.